I would highly recommend that all Wing Chun students attend Sifu's stick fighting seminar. With you armed with two weapons, it almost makes it an even sparring match against me empty handed. Although much of the methods will be influenced by the Kenpo, there will also be some skills inspired by the Wing Chun art that I have mastered. I will probably have to mow the lawn that day, but if not, I will try to drop in and help you learn the basics as well. Every empty hand art is complimented by weapons training -- truly the icing on the cupcake!
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All of these summer Super Hero movies has made me reflect on the super power Wing Chun has given me. Granted, my results are not typical, but I thought sharing them would motivate my classmates.
Captain America* is strong and has a shield. I do not rely on external strength (mind force would take the old Captain down!) and Bong Sau is the only shield I need. Green Lantern* has a ring of power. Now seriously, any guy relying on jewelry to defeat me I cannot even take serious! Besides, I do not need CGI for people to feel my special effects! His Green rear would be grass and I would be the lawn mower. X-men* are all mutants with a variety of powers due to their genetic superiority. I can identify with being genetically superior and gifted but I do not have to take orders from a bald guy in a wheelchair nor a refugee camp survivor who insists on wearing a funny looking helmet. All minor leaguers compared to following the ways of internal powers of Ip Man -- like I have! Thor* -- he is not even one of the major gods. He is also willing to throw his weapon? You kidding me! He spends half of his screen time trying to be romantic, I would sell him and his girlfriend a Chattanooga Cup Cake and then chain punch him back to his daddy. So wherever evil or misguided parking enforcement agents are -- beware! You now face Howard, the new super hero in town. * Please note that all references to superheros are owned by some company that was bought by some company to be eventually resold to another company for more money. Rumor has it (I have not been to class, but I still hear the buzz around town) that Sifu is very excited about his new book by Chu Shong Tin (Tsui Sheung Ting). After last Monday's lesson with me I can understand him reaching out looking for a new edge. I am a little concerned that Sifu did not have proof this translation first because as many of you may remember it was me who noticed a couple of errors by Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin when watching the DVD. I do think Grandmaster's outfit is pretty cool though -- I hope he wears it to Formal Fridays sometime. I have provided a few translations of Wing Chun terms of my own to help everyone out:
"Woo Sau" -- Some call this guarding hand but I think they pronounce it wrong. It is not Woo (Wu) but should be "Woah Hand" because that is the sound my parnter makes whenever I use it. "Bong Sau" -- Some call it Wing Hand. Another miss translation and mis-pronounciation. I call it "Bonk Sau" because I collapse my parter's structure and "bonk" them at will. "Lan Sau" I agree with the pronunciation but not the spelling. "Lawn Sau" spelling encourages the accurate pronunciation while revealing an important Wing Chun Secret -- that the arm should be like the bar of the handle of a lawn mower. Keep training and my regards to Sifu and Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin for their efforts. It was good to be back in class tonight. A little too much time away from my class and private lesson and the rust starts to settle in. After about 15 minutes of Chi Sau, however, I pretty much got Sifu warmed back up to where he was before I was gone. I wish my Junior Classmates could push him more so he would not have to worry his skills atrophying in my absence. I would encourage each of you to remember that by stretching your own abilities a little more we can continue to add to the qualifications and skills of our Sifu.
I may have to break my two week absence (do not think I have lost my touch though!) and come to class today for formal friday. I usually do not wear my sash because it is the wrong color. Sifu has this blue thing for me to wear when based upon my skill and superiority over my class mates I should be at least a red sash (well, I am being modest by not saying black sash even if it is true). I should wear my blue sash more often though because then my classmates will underestimate my skill by thinking they are facing someone like Dave or Fred. I still need to wash my kung-fu top from the last time I wore it -- mowing the lawn.
Just a brief post today to say congrats to Chad and Juanita for getting their Purple Sash. Keep in my though the real test is still ahead of you -- when I am back in class. Then we will see how you hold up against my Wing Chun power in Chi Sau. I think you should do O.K. as long as you keep reading my blog to stay sharp. I am hoping to be there Friday providing the world of Cupcakes and mowing lawns will let me stop in and teach a few lessons.
Sifu requires each of us to keep a Wing Chun training journal. In fact, when you evaluate for a sash, he reviews the journal and makes his comments and corrections (does not apply to me) within those pages. Sometimes I make entries even when I don't go to class. Here is my last entry to help you along:
"8/1/11. Opening day of new Chattanooga Cup Cakes location so too busy to make it to class. Nelson's slight outward energy will go unpunished because I am not there to disengage his misdirected energy. Michael's over raised traps and slightly forward leaning posture will not be exploited in my absence (though Michael will likely skip class just like me anyways...). John Powell can relax that since I missed my delay in surpassing him to Black Sash is slightly delayed. Jerry did not have to worry about getting a black eye because I am gone (though I am sure somebody else may take my place with that one.) All in all, the guilt I feel in allowing my junior classmates to continue to flounder in their mistakes unpunished do to my absence is great -- but such is the demands of man in the Cup Cake business." |
AuthorHoward -- Dojo's first master. Someday if you practice you may become almost as good as him. A local hero, Howard's Wing Chun skill has been featured on the front page March 11, 2010 and August 24, 2010 of the Chattanooga TImes Free Press. Howard T-Shirts are also available! Archives
February 2014