It was good to be back in class tonight. A little too much time away from my class and private lesson and the rust starts to settle in. After about 15 minutes of Chi Sau, however, I pretty much got Sifu warmed back up to where he was before I was gone. I wish my Junior Classmates could push him more so he would not have to worry his skills atrophying in my absence. I would encourage each of you to remember that by stretching your own abilities a little more we can continue to add to the qualifications and skills of our Sifu.
AuthorHoward -- Dojo's first master. Someday if you practice you may become almost as good as him. A local hero, Howard's Wing Chun skill has been featured on the front page March 11, 2010 and August 24, 2010 of the Chattanooga TImes Free Press. Howard T-Shirts are also available! Archives
February 2014