Sil Lim Tao, the first set in Wing Chun, translated means "Little Idea." Some think this is because it gives you a little idea of what Wing Chun is about -- a small sampler of the moves. Sifu Trevor teaches that the "idea" is mind intention and that the goal of Sil Lim Tao is to link mind intent with your structure so that when you move it is always with intent. This is not wrong, but I want to expand this concept to how I have trained in "Little Idea" form. Although I attend Wing Chun class only once a week or so, I have far exceeded my classmates because of the following principle: Away from class I am always thinking about Wing Chun! I keep this little idea in my head from the moment I wake, on my drive to work, when I frost a Chattanooga Cup Cake (2nd Location in E. Brainerd Opening in August!), and of course when I am mowing the lawn. This is why the form is really called little idea because you can come to class just a little and if you keep the idea in your head all day you can achieve mastery, like me.
AuthorHoward -- Dojo's first master. Someday if you practice you may become almost as good as him. A local hero, Howard's Wing Chun skill has been featured on the front page March 11, 2010 and August 24, 2010 of the Chattanooga TImes Free Press. Howard T-Shirts are also available! Archives
February 2014